The external review panel sent the official evaluation report: Our platform was rated excellent and the panel strongly recommends the continuation of the platform (grade A).
Official Helmholtz AI evaluation report is out!
Our Helmholtz AI evaluation took place at Helmholtz Munich in October 2022. Now, we received the official evaluation report from the external review panel. And we are happy to announce the result: The evaluation panel strongly recommends the continuation of the platform, we received the grade A.
The panel clearly found that Helmholtz AI has gained momentum and is a fully operational platform, supporting researchers from all Helmholtz centres. It noted that Helmholtz AI stimulates cross-centre collaborations and knowledge sharing and has achieved high quality results in the fields of research, consulting, and collaborative projects in a very short period.
The “value added” by Helmholtz AI to the Helmholtz Association is clearly visible and impressive: By fostering substantial collaborations and establishing technology transfer within the Helmholtz Association and by building learning tracks between centres and research fields, Helmholtz AI substantially contributed to the research activities and the methodology development within the Association. Without Helmholtz AI many synergies would not have materialized.
Particularly, the AI consultant teams are a novel and unique approach. Their combination of strong domain expertise and state of the art AI method and methodology knowledge was considered a very attractive and useful combination.
The panel supports the platforms’ plans for strategic development for continuation of its core grant and increase in line with the annual dynamic Helmholtz growth. To enhance the consulting teams two more consultants per unit should be recruited. A Helmholtz-wide AI PhD programme should be implemented.
The panel's recommendations regarding the vision and mission, the adjustment of our KPI´s, our transfer, our collaborations and network effects, the recruitment and the additional value and prototypical quality for the Helmholtz Association will be subject of a Strategy Workshop planned for the beginning of 2023 to shape our future orientation. We are grateful for the panel’s time and effort, the engaging discussions and clear recommendations; we will work along them as we go forward to further improve Helmholtz AI.