The event will take place on 20 April and will present opportunities to build on the initial seed funding awarded to Helmholtz AI projects.
Helmholtz AI hosts its first scale-up funding workshop
Helmholtz AI is proud to announce the first scale-up funding workshop, presenting opportunities to build on the initial seed funding awarded to Helmholtz AI projects. The event will take place on 20 April from 10 to 11.30 am, virtually.
We will have talks from 3 experts in different areas, including:
Johannes Keller-Herder, Head of Strategic Controlling at DESY, will talk about Domestic scale-up funding opportunities.
Anna Cattani-Scholz, a delegate for the research area Information at Helmholtz Brussels Office will talk about Horizon Europe and other European initiatives.
Julian Alexandrakis, program manager transfer and innovation ast Helmholtz Head Office, will talk about Transfer and entrepreneurship.
After the talks, there will also be the opportunity to discuss with the experts in small break-out sessions.
All Helmholtz AI project awardees and their collaboration partners across the Helmholtz Association are welcome to join. This workshop may also be of interest for Helmholtz researchers engaged in other parallel funding lines (e.g. Helmholtz Imaging, Helmholtz Metadata, etc.), or researchers planning to submit a project in the near future.
Interested? Register here.
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Helmholtz AI strategically drives and coalesces the field of applied Artificial Intelligence within the Helmholtz Association. As an interdisciplinary platform, Helmholtz AI compiles, develops, fosters, and promotes Artificial Intelligence-based approaches for all Helmholtz Centers.
One essential component of our strategic model is to fund research projects that address the topics of applied Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). These annual calls for projects are based on the general concept for Helmholtz AI and are in line with the future topics of the Initiative and Networking Fund (INF). Successful projects are awarded seed funding for cross-cutting research collaborations and innovative research topics in this area, with the potential to facilitate collaboration in a larger context and over a longer period.