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Democratising AI across the Helmholtz Association

The Helmholtz Artificial Intelligence Cooperation Unit (Helmholtz AI) is one of five platforms initiated by the Helmholtz Information and Data Science Incubator. Its main goal is to become a driver for applied artificial intelligence (AI) through the development and distribution of AI methods across all Helmholtz centres, effectively combining AI-based analytics with Helmholtz' unique research questions and datasets.

By implementing a Helmholtz-wide network for applied AI, Helmholtz AI builds on the current AI strengths in the Helmholtz Association and brings together scientists from all centers, provides support in their needs and thereby fosters transdisciplinary and ground-breaking researchDemocratizing access to AI maximises research impact, enabling Helmholtz AI to potentially reach an international leadership position in the field.

Learn more →





Helmholtz AI consulting

The Helmholtz AI voucher system is your new portal for Machine Learning expertise and tools.

How does it work?

Submit your voucher proposal!



HAICORE: computing resources for the Helmholtz AI community

The Helmholtz AI computing resources (HAICORE) provide easy and low-barrier GPU access to the entire AI community within the Helmholtz Association.

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