Our hub-and-spoke model
We are structured as a hub-and-spoke model with six units across the Helmholtz Association and we are built around our core themes of research, support and coordination & outreach.
Our headquarter is hosted by Helmholtz Munich and we have local units at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH (Hereon), Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR).

Representing the six research fields of the Helmholtz Association, our units host research groups and consultant teams. They are at the heart of our activities and ensure wide dissemination of methods as well as broad uptake of data-based research questions in applied AI.
The field of AI/ML is developing fast and applications abound. To increase exchange across communities we are setting up a visiting programme and we are also appointing Helmholtz AI associates, who are leading experts in their respective domain of applied AI.
We have a range of bodies that ensure alignment with our strategy and that sound out new developments. Our Helmholtz AI steering board (SB) is responsible for the general development of the platform. It coordinates and leads our activities and ensures that we act in the interest of the whole Helmholtz Association and in coordination with the Helmholtz Information and Data Science Incubator. Our Helmholtz AI scientific advisory committee (SAC) provides advice on scientific developments, ensures that we work along the state-of-the-art and produce relevant scientific output.