Health @ Helmholtz Munich

Local unit for research field HEALTH

Helmholtz Munich is home to the central unit of Helmholtz AI, which also represents research field health. Helmholtz Munich´s main goal is to discover personalized medical solutions for the prevention and therapy for environmentally triggered diseases and promote a healthier society in a rapidly changing world. 

With its strong and expanding array of computationally focused institutes, particularly the Institute of Computational Biology (ICB, led by Fabian Theis), a dynamically growing digital health environment, particularly the Institute of AI for Health (AIH, led by Carsten Marr), the Institute of Translational Genomics (ITG, led by Eleftheria Zeggini), as well as the bioengineering and imaging-focussed Helmholtz Pioneer Campus (HPC, led by Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla and Vasilis Ntziachristos), Helmholtz Munich is an ideal and well-connected host for the central unit
The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) is the European excellence network in machine learning. ELLIS Munich, of which Helmholtz AI is a founding partner, will strengthen the connection to the ELLIS PhD program, industry collaborations and to advancing ML as a core research field.

Unit lead

Fabian Theis, Christoph Feest


Christoph Feest

Interim Outreach officer

Angela Jurik-Zeiller



Helmholtz AI @ Helmholtz Munich