Information @ FZJ

Local unit for research field INFORMATION

Helmholtz AI at Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) addresses digital transformation at the overlap of AI with high-performance computing (HPC) and neuroscience. The work is characterized by  interdisciplinary research problems that require to analyze scientific datasets with the help of applied AI methods and large-scale storage and compute infrastructure. At FZJ, Helmholtz AI is embedded into one of the largest research centers in Europe, working in the fields of neuroscience, HPC, energy, atmosphere, and bioeconomy to lay the foundation for key technologies of tomorrow and develop viable solutions for complex questions facing society today. Jülich’s Helmholtz AI unit is built on an intense partnership between Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) and Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, which has been established in the Helmholtz Joint Lab Supercomputing and Modeling for the Human Brain, and become one of the main drivers of the European research flagship ‘Human Brain Project’ (HBP). 

The focus of Jülich’s Helmholtz AI unit is the development of artificial intelligence methods for analyzing the microstructural organization of the human brain at large scale. Driven by high-throughput data acquisition and the ambition to quickly transfer knowledge across tasks and scientific domains, the implementation of AI methods on HPC systems is a key aspect of this work. Helmholtz AI at FZJ is implemented with a research group at the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (Structural and functional organisation of the brain - INM-1) and the Helmholtz AI Consultant team at JSC.

FZJ also brings a network of strategic partnerships into Helmholtz AI. These include the Helmholtz International Lab HIBALL with McGill University (Montreal) and joint activities with CIFAR (Toronto, Montreal) at the intersection of neuroscience, AI, and HPC. Jülich has a leading role in the EU H2020 flagship HBP, which provides links to many European labs working in the intersection of neuroscience and AI, including Maastricht, Amsterdam, and Marseille. Further strategic partnerships in AI and HPC include the University of Iceland. 

Unit representatives

Timo Dickscheid,  Stefan Kesselheim


Susanne Wenzel

Outreach officer

Susanne Wenzel



Helmholtz AI @ FZJ